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One and a half thousand years old gold coins and some questions

The person named Rachel dug up about 5 inches of soil. Up came an object that looked like a chocolate wrapper

The Dhaka Times Desk Rachel Cartal, forty-one, won the lottery as if walking around with a metal detector in Kent Field recently! One and a half thousand years old gold coin recovered! Research on this coin is ongoing.

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Rachel Cartal, forty-one, won the lottery as if walking around with a metal detector on a field in Kent Field recently! One and a half thousand years old gold coin recovered! Several questions have arisen about that ancient gold coin. So the researchers continued their research. Maybe many secrets will come out. Or its history will emerge.

A metallic sound was heard as the metal detector hit the ground. The man started digging the ground. The person named Rachel dug about 5 inches of soil. Up came an object that looked like a chocolate wrapper. It is actually a currency.

Rachel's partner Ricky first says it must be a chocolate. He even suggested opening the wrapper and eating it. Rachel also almost accepted Ricky's words. The rapper broke his mistake when he opened it.

Turns out what they thought was a wrapper was actually a gold coin. It has a small gold ring attached to it. Although they understood the gold coin, they did not pay much attention at first. How old will it be? 200 or 300? Or even less!

Archaeologists have been searching this farmland for 50 years. Since they had not seen anything in their 'eyes' for a long time, their expectations about gold coins had decreased.

Experts, however, say that Britain's history is also connected with it. This gold coin is about one and a half thousand years old. News goes to Canterbury Archaeological Search. Manager Andrew Richardson said it could also be a gift from the Byzantine and Frankish civilizations.

Coinage was not very common in Anglo-Saxon England. Either jewelry was made by melting, or it was worn as a locket around the neck. In this case, it is actually not a gold coin, but a locket. Because it also has a ring-like part.

By the beginning of the 7th century, the kings of Kent were minting their own coins. It was called Thrimsus. What is this Thrimsus?

The North Kent coast also contains a number of Roman and Anglo-Saxon sites. Research has been launched into how this coin is linked to the history of Kent. After research, the real secret may be coming out. Maybe all the questions will be answered one time - that is the hope of everyone.

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