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The urge to live and some questions to the nation

The Dhaka Times Desk In our country, human survival is not valued. But he was evaluated after his death. Vocalist Miller's comments on Facebook have stirred the issue.

After listening to those statements, the artist Miller felt the words. As in our country many people are not rewarded for living, they are rewarded for dying. That is, that person can no longer see what he has done or was able to do for the nation.

As earlier it was almost seen that when a person died, the street was named after him. Although this custom is sometimes broken by the Dhaka City Corporation. For example, language soldier Abdul Matin inaugurated the road named after him in Jiga floor while he was still alive. But earlier we have seen that when a famous person dies then a road is built in his name. But that would not have been done while he was alive. That is not true at all.

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Just like the singer Mila also expressed his anger that day. Talking about the torture and torture that went on him, he said, “How many alive 'Nusrat' stands by the law day after day. But no voice will be raised for them until they are killed.”

Mila also said, "Today I also said this... Rather, they set me on fire while I was wearing clothes. The whole media, artistes, my fans are supposed to go on the streets and really protest whatever I said.

কাপড় ছাড়া ওই ছেলেকে রাস্তায় নামিয়ে জুতার বাড়ি দিয়ে মারার কথা ছিলো, তাইনা? আমার এই পোস্টটাই তো সবার শেয়ার করার কথা তাইনা? কেও করবে নাহ্…. কেও নাহ… কারণ আমি বেঁচে আছি..এই মিলা কেনো এখনও প্রতিদিন চিৎকার করে কাঁদে এর উত্তর পাও তোমরা? আমি দেশের জাতীয় পর্যায়ের শিল্পী!”

One thing really stands out and that is people go from door to door for justice but do not get any justice. But when he died, everyone moved. Such incidents happen occasionally in our country. But one thing is true now due to social media many things come to light. That's why no one gets through to the end. It is a good thing that people speak up and protest when they see injustice. At the very least, these are the reasons why the persecutor must be brought to justice. I did not go to the issue of how much the trial is. Because we have many such precedents. There are many such precedents before us including the journalist couple Sagar-Rooney, Tanu. The last thing is that the word of judgment does not cry in silence, that is the hope of all of us.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২০, ২০১৯ 1:46 pm

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