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How many megapixel camera is the human eye?

We see 8 to 41 megapixel camera phones available in the market. But we have one of the most powerful cameras in the world very close! And that is our two eyes

The Dhaka Times Desk We keep track of how many megapixels a phone's camera has. But the interest of technology-loving people can not be noticed that the human eye is actually how many megapixel cameras? that

মানব চোখ আসলে কতো মেগাপিক্সেলের ক্যামেরার? 1

We see 8 to 41 megapixel camera phones available in the market. But we have one of the most powerful cameras in the world very close! And that is our two eyes.

You'd be surprised to know how many megapixel cameras the human eye has. It is known that the human eye has a 576 megapixel camera! That's why we see about 1 billion colors individually. Pixels are essentially the lifeblood of the image, the smallest part of the image that is never visible to the naked eye.

If a picture is 3 thousand pixels in length and 2 thousand pixels in width, the size of the whole picture is 6 million pixels; This will actually be a 6 megapixel image. According to international rules, 1 million pixels equals 1 megapixel. This megapixel is basically the unit of the size of the image taken by the camera lens.

It is generally said that the human eye can take an image of 576 megapixels as a still image with steady gaze. However, it has been reported that the human eye is capable of filming moving pictures or videos up to 777.6 gigapixels/second.

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