
To avoid risk of cylinder explosion

The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times, the occurrence of cylinder explosions has increased to an excessive extent. Know today the things to do to avoid the risk of cylinder explosion.

Cylinder explosions are happening one after the other in recent times. Casualties are also happening due to this. From the capital Dhaka to the remote areas, from the kitchen to the transport, its users are at risk everywhere. In addition to self-awareness to avoid risks, the related organizations have urged to increase government supervision.

This cylindrical fuel has gained popularity as an alternative to wood in cities due to gas shortage in pipelines. Gas from these cylinders is used not only in the kitchen but also as an alternative to oil for transportation. However, sometimes there are explosions. Many people are getting injured.

গত দু’বছরের পরিসংখ্যানে দেখা যায়, রান্না ঘরেই সিলিন্ডার বিস্ফোরণের সংখ্যা প্রায় দেড় হাজারের মতো। অপরদিকে পরিবহনে বিস্ফোরণের সংখ্যা প্রায় ৭০টি। এতে আহত নিহত হয়েছেন প্রায় সাড়ে ৩শ’ মানুষ।

Those concerned said that the main reason for the cylinder explosion lies in the eccentricity of the user. In order to get out of this problem, the people need to be aware, just as the government also needs adequate monitoring.

Keep an eye on the following while using gas daily:

Keeping the # gas cylinder upright is very important. It is better not to keep it in high and low places. As with the possibility of falls, other accidents can happen at any time. Gas cylinders should never be dropped or dragged.

# When using gas cylinders in the kitchen, care must be taken to ensure adequate ventilation. Always keep windows open when using gas. Never place flammable items near gas. Plastic items should also be kept away from the gas.

# gas pipe should be replaced from time to time. Cannot be used in combination. This will increase the risk of dying. If the pipe breaks, replace it immediately.

# Check that the regulator is properly fitted when replacing the gas. Or danger may arise at any time.

# Nowadays, many people keep an extra gas cylinder in their house. This is done so that the other can be used when one ends. Excess gas filled cylinders should never be kept indoors. Place the spare cylinder in an open, shaded area. Heat should be kept away from the gas cylinder.

# can be seen that many people fill small gas instead of big gas at home. This should never be done at home. A terrible accident can happen at any time. No such thing can be done.

# Turn off the gas stove properly after cooking.

While lighting the # stove, be sure to check for gas leaks before lighting the stove.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২৪, ২০১৯ 2:55 pm

Staff reporter

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