The Dhaka Times
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This Kenyan teenager spends time with cheetahs on holiday!

It has been like this for a long time

The Dhaka Times Desk Indeed, the issue of affinity with animals and birds may not be something new. But this time's case of affinity can be said to be really exceptional. This Kenyan teen spends time with cheetahs on vacation!

কেনিয়ার এই কিশোরী ছুটির দিনে চিতার সাথে সময় কাটায়! 1

On a holiday he ran into a caged cheetah. Spend time pampering her. Even the leopard can understand the genuine love of this girl. So he also holds the dignity of that love. Never attack him or express any anger towards him.

It has been going on like this for a long time. During work, that is, on holidays, this girl ran to that cheetah. Many people have asked him why his relationship with Cheetah?

Do you know what he said in response? This Kenyan teenager dreams of creating global awareness for wildlife conservation. And so he took responsibility for an orphaned cheetah. So he wants to stay next to this orphaned cheetah.

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