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Google is bringing new emojis

Google is bringing 53 new emojis

The Dhaka Times Desk Emojis are one of the easiest ways to express your feelings. Nowadays, most social media users use emojis to easily express their feelings. Google is bringing new emojis.

গুগল এবার নতুন ইমোজি আনছে 1

The popularity of emojis is steadily increasing. Currently, there are thousands of emojis in the internet world, with the help of which customers can easily express their feelings. Moreover, with the passage of time, various companies are bringing more new emojis. In this continuation, Google is going to bring 53 emojis.

Indian technology media Gazettes Now reported that Google is introducing 53 new emojis. The gender of these emojis cannot be accurately determined. That is, one emoji will represent multiple genders. That is why there is no need to think about anything separately in using them. Although some say that emojis can be determined by the length of their hair to determine whether they are actually male or female.

Customers will not have to wait much longer for these new emojis. These will come to Google's Pixel phones within this week. Moreover, it is expected that all Android users will get the emojis before the end of the year.

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