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That is why fasting becomes makruh

What is disliked in Islam is called Makruh

The Dhaka Times Desk Makruh means dislike. Doing that is not a sin; But those things that are disliked in Islam are called Makruh. Unknowingly many times fasting becomes makruh. Know those things.

যে কারণে রোজা মাকরুহ হয়ে যায় 1

1. Fasting is makruh if you tell a lie.

2. Fasting becomes makruh if you gossip or gossip.

3. Abusing or quarreling makes fasting makruh.

4. Fasting becomes makruh if one commits a kabirah sin.

5. Fasting is makruh if it is impure in the morning.

6. Fasting is makruh if you show restlessness or discomfort due to fasting.

7. Brushing the teeth with charcoal, mortar, tooth powder, toothpaste or gul is makruh.

8. Fasting is makruh if something useless is put inside the mouth.

9. Chewing or tasting something unnecessarily makes fasting makruh.

10. Fasting is makruh if you gurgle while doing Quli.

11. Fasting is makruh if water is drawn into the nose (but if the water reaches the throat, the fast will be broken).

12. Deliberately putting spit in the mouth and swallowing it is makruh.

13. Deliberately vomiting a small amount makes fasting makruh.

References: Durre Mukhtar: 2/416, Badayus Sanayi: 2/635, Kitabul Fiqh: 1/923

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