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Foods to Avoid to Avoid Esophageal Cancer

The deadly disease cancer can be caused by the habit of taking more hot food

The Dhaka Times Desk. We always love to eat hot food. Tea and coffee are among them. However, this time, you have to be a little careful in taking any hot food, such as hot tea or coffee. Otherwise there is a possibility of cancer.

খাদ্যনালীর ক্যান্সার থেকে বাঁচতে যে ধরণের খাবার পরিত্যাগ করা উচিৎ 1

People are constantly sipping a cup of tea, and various discussions and criticisms take place. Of course, this is nothing new. People have this practice since long ago. However, this habit can cause the dreaded disease cancer. A study by the American Cancer Society revealed such information. They mentioned in a report published in the 'International Journal of Cancer', due to drinking more hot tea every day, the risk of esophageal cancer increases manifold.

People who drink tea with a temperature of more than 75 degrees Celsius daily, the risk of this cancer is almost doubled.
The scientists of this society conducted this research on more than 50 thousand people aged 40 to 75 years. Farhad Islam was the head of this research. According to him, “People prefer to eat any hot food. However, when consuming hot food, we are more likely to develop ulcers and cancer in the esophagus. Among them, hot food like water is more dangerous.

In the meantime, the World Health Organization has banned the consumption of any water with a temperature of more than 65 degrees Celsius. Other hot foods are chewed for some time due to which the temperature decreases slightly which is not very harmful. But I swallow hot food like water as soon as I take it in my mouth. High temperatures cause this food to cause fatal damage to the esophagus.

So we should be careful from today. And not only hot food like water, but any other hot food should be taken with caution. Under no circumstances should hot food be eaten. If necessary, wait for a while and cool down a little. Then accept. Because cancer is a disease that is very difficult to get rid of once it enters the body. So be aware yourself and make others aware.

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