
Research: People or 52 minutes a day to criticize!

The Dhaka Times Desk People who talk is a habit of daily life, if they can't talk, they are like a fool. If they can't talk, there is no peace in their minds. A study has said that people or 52 minutes per day!

People who talk is a habit of daily life, if they can't talk, they are like a fool. If they can't talk, there is no peace in their minds. A study has said that people or 52 minutes per day!

Actually, the best time is spent talking. To pass the time in every place including school, college, office, we all have more or less stories or chats.

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If you can't talk, many people can't digest the whole day's food. The number of such people is not very small. But recently a sensational information has come out about this story. A University of California conducted a study on this issue.

A study by the University of California Riverside revealed that a person spends a total of 52 minutes talking or gossiping every day.

First, some people in the study are asked, what time do people actually talk more? What do people like to talk about in stories or chats?

Later, while researching them, 52 minutes of data came to the attention of the researchers. Also, it is said that younger people like to tell negative stories.

About 467 people participated in the study conducted by the University of California Riverside. Among them 269 are women and rest are men. People aged 18 to 58 were in this study. Each wears a portable listening device to record their conversations.

The device recorded 10 percent of all conversations throughout the day. From there the researchers can know the type of story and the amount of time. In this case, the practice of an absent person is considered a story. At the same time, it has been observed that women are more interested in pornography than men. Studies show that they spend more time gossiping.

This post was last modified on মে ১৩, ২০১৯ 2:52 pm

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