
Know the magical properties of aloe vera for various hair problems

The Dhaka Times Desk. Aloe vera is one of the solutions for various problems starting from the skin and also inside the body. One of them is hair. Hair care has been around since ancient times. Hair is an integral part of women's beauty. Currently, the beauty of hair can be maintained by using various artificial ingredients. But today we are going to discuss some magical tips that can be made at home using Aloe Vera at very low cost to solve various hair problems.

1. To retain moisture in hair:

A combination of aloe vera to restore moisture to dry hair and deep condition the hair. To prepare this mixture, you need 1 spoon of honey, 2 spoons of coconut oil and 2 spoons of aloe vera. Mix these ingredients together. Massage the mixture thoroughly all over the hair and cover the head with a shower cap for 30 minutes before showering. Then wash your hair with shampoo. If you do this for a few days, your hair will soon regain its lost moisture.

2. To keep the shine of the hair:

Many times the shine of the hair is lost due to external dust. In this case too, aloe vera has special properties. Mix 2 spoons of sour yogurt with 1 spoon of aloe vera. Once the mixture is prepared, massage the scalp well for 10-12 minutes. Then wash well with shampoo. If you take care of your hair for a few days, your hair will become shiny.

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3. To strengthen and grow hair:

Aloe vera has many reputations for maintaining normal hair growth and strengthening hair from the roots. For this, mix together amla, aloe vera and lemon juice and massage well on hair and scalp. Wash off thoroughly after 30 minutes. This will make your hair stronger and also maintain normal growth.

4. Aloe vera to prevent hair fall:

Hair loss is a serious problem. If it is not stopped at the right time, a lot of hair falls out. So it must be taken care of from time to time. Mix 2 spoons of aloe vera, 1 spoon of olive oil and one egg yolk together well. Before showering, massage this mixture well on the hair and cover the hair with a shower cap for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair well with shampoo. This will stop your hair fall. Also the hair will be dark, thick and attractive.

This post was last modified on মে ১৫, ২০১৯ 10:06 am

Raihan Malitha

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