The Dhaka Times
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If you get down from the tree in the belly of the tiger!

The Dhaka Times Desk When you get down from the tree, you have to go to the tiger's belly. 5 of them were sitting on the tree branch for 5 days. Couldn't get down.


When you get down from the tree, you must go to the tiger's stomach. Because there are four tigers sitting under the tree. The tigers have already made food for the sixth man of the team. Then wait for others to eat. This is the case in the deep forest of Sumatra island in Indonesia. Khabar daily Kal Kashta.

According to the media, this situation has arisen because those people killed a tiger cub. A team went to that place in the forest last Saturday to rescue them after receiving information on mobile phones. It takes two to three days to reach there on foot. They were finally rescued on July 8 yesterday.

According to the media, a group of local residents entered the deep forest of Sumatra's Gunung Leusar National Park to collect valuable wood and aromatic oil. Six members of the team set a trap for deer hunting on Thursday. A tiger cub got caught in the trap and died. Immediately after this, four tigers attacked the people.

5 members of the group managed to take shelter in a tree to escape from the tiger, but one member named David (28) lost his life in the hands of the tiger. Later it is possible to contact them through mobile phone.

On July 7, local police chief Dicky Sondani said, 'A group of about 30 people left for their rescue on July 6. It should take two to three days to reach there on foot. Fire will be fired if necessary to rescue trapped persons.'

National Park chief Andi Basrul said on July 8 that the people were rescued and taken to nearby villages. An official named Jamal Gayo said that the people have become very weak because they have not been able to eat anything for several days.

Local people said that there are many tigers and elephants in that part of the forest. Apart from this, the tigers are waiting for the villagers to hunt. Source: Telegraph.

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