
The damage that can be caused by staying in AC for several hours

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays almost all offices use AC ie air condition. After staying in the AC for several hours, many people cannot bear the air of the fan when they return home. That's why many people are using AC at home. Do you know the damage that can be done by staying in AC for several hours?

Nowadays almost all offices use AC ie air condition. After staying in the AC for several hours, many people cannot bear the air of the fan when they return home. That's why many people are using AC at home. Do you know the damage that can be done by staying in AC for several hours?

Experts say that excessive AC dependence can cause serious harm to health. It can also increase various health risks. Source: Zee News.

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What damage can be done

# People who spend most of the day or at least 9 to 10 continuous hours a day in an air-conditioned room, their risk of suffering from various respiratory problems may increase manifold.

# Excessive use of AC can also cause eye infections.

# People who spend 9 to 10 hours continuously in an air-conditioned room may also have an increased risk of developing arthritis, high blood pressure or various types of nerve problems.

# Many people may also experience allergy problems due to the use of excess AC or staying in AC for a long time.

# Prolonged exposure to AC may cause the skin to lose its natural moisture and become dry. Then various problems can appear on the skin.

# Multiple studies have shown that people who spend long periods of time in air-conditioned environments are more likely to suffer from headaches or depression.

Therefore, experts have also given some advice to keep yourself healthy in an air-conditioned environment.
Know them:

# Your room temperature must be between 21-25 degrees. Never keep your room temperature below 20 degrees Celsius.

# Avoid using AC during winters.

# can use moisturizing lotion or cream to maintain skin moisture.

# Use water on mouth and hands occasionally. If necessary, you can wrap a light sheet.

This post was last modified on মে ২৬, ২০১৯ 2:19 pm

Staff reporter

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