The Dhaka Times
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Today, March 25, is the darkest night in the history of Bangladesh

Dhaka Times Report. Today is the brutal, terrible, tragic and horrible night in the history of Bangladesh. In the midnight of March 25, 1971, the Pakistani invasion force swooped down on the unarmed and sleeping Bengali nation with demonic violence. Hundreds of patriots, young men, women and children lost their lives in the barbaric attack of Pak forces on this cursed night. On this day, the streets of Dhaka were stained with blood. Houses, wealth and townships were destroyed in the demonic glee, looting, killing and ruthless violence of the murderous Pak forces. In their hellish frenzy, they burnt down thousands of structures including homesteads. In the history of mankind, there is no other example in the world of such brutality and armed attack on unarmed people.
আজ ২৫ মার্চ বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাসের বিভীষিকাময় সেই কালরাত 1
Attack on important places including Pilkhana, Rajarbagh police line

On that day, at 1 am on the orders of Pakistan President Yahya, the Pakistani army, equipped with modern weapons, attacked the EPR headquarters in Pilkhana, Rajarbagh Police Lines, Dhaka University hostels and sleeping people in different areas of the city. Looting, torture of women and arson continued along with the killings. At the same time, massacres were carried out in other big cities as well. It was on that day that the grave of Pakistan was originally composed by the human silver executioner Yahya, creating a shameful history of bloodlust.

Operation Searchlight

The Pakistani army became a disgrace to the entire mankind by committing the heinous massacre in the history of mankind called 'Operation Searchlight' for attacking unarmed Bengalis. They have a place in history. The entire Bengali nation, initiated by the mantra of freedom, was bewildered by this anti-humanity attack, but despised death with sleepless eyes and made a fierce resistance. Armed struggle and independence war started everywhere in the country. Taking the historical call of Bangabandhu, 'One has to fight the enemy with whatever one has', the fearless children of Bengal left their parents, wives, sons and families and joined the liberation war in their indomitable desire for the independence of the motherland. On that day they put up a strong resistance against the merciless tyranny of the invading forces. Even after 41 years, on today's historic day, the people of Bengal are remembering the Pakistani invaders with extreme hatred, anger and contempt.

Official Historic Declaration of Independence

As cursed as the day is, it is also a milestone in an unforgettably brilliant history. In the late hours of the night of March 25 and in the early hours of March 26, the undisputed leader of Bengali, the sole pillar of the non-cooperation movement, the elected representative and the leader of the majority party of Pakistan, the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the official declaration of independence, we have gone through 9 months of bloody war. We have achieved an independent sovereign country, dear motherland - Bangladesh.

President General Yahya Khan and Bhutto in a secret meeting in Dhaka

On the morning of March 25, 1971, President General Yahya Khan and Pakistan People's Party chief Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto met in a secret meeting in Dhaka. After the meeting, Bhutto said in a brief reply to the questions of the journalists, "The situation is critical". Ever since the meeting, rumors of army landing in Dhaka spread. Thousands of people gathered in front of Bangabandhu's residence throughout the day from morning. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib came out of the house several times and stood on the balcony and told the crowd - 'We tried our best to solve the problem peacefully. But President Yahya Khan is more interested in solving the problem through military means. In this situation, we have to see our way. Everyone should be prepared for the ultimate sacrifice.'
After meeting with Bhutto that day, General Yahya secretly met with the military chief of the Eastern Zone, Lt. General Tikka Khan, Chief of General Staff General Abdul Hamid Khan, Major General Mittha Khan, Major General Rao Farman Ali and other senior army officers. There he ordered the Pakistan Army to carry out an all-out attack and indiscriminate massacre with the latest weapons on the people who were agitating for the independence of Bengal by violating all human norms. The implementation program of 'Operation Searchlight', the blueprint for Bengali genocide, was also approved in that meeting. According to the decision of the meeting, at around 11 o'clock on this day, a helicopter of the army of the Pakistani army. General Janjua, May. General Mitha Khan, May. General Nazar Hussain Shah and Major General Omar along with some other senior army officers visited Rangpur, Rajshahi, Jessore, Comilla and Chittagong cantonments and held secret meetings only with Pakistani army officers at each place. At each meeting they handed over an envelope containing the blueprint for the massacre to the commanding officers.

As the crimson glow of the farewell sun of March 25 faded away, the smell of doom began to waft in the air. The whole nation was dreaming of freedom. The protests and resistance were so strong that everyone was ignoring the well-armed and brutal Pakistani military. No one could have imagined the ferocity and ferocity of the attack by the Pak forces. This morning, the army took a position in front of the radio and television building with tanks. Since morning, the square in front of the house number 667 of 32 Dhanmondi, the cradle of Bengali nation's movement-struggle and liberation, was crowded with people. The political debate continued throughout the day. Barricades started in various streets around Bangabandhu Bhavan from afternoon and evening.

Thus, on the night of March 25, the armed forces of Pakistan attacked the Bengali nation. The Bengali nation did not stand idly by. They remembered the words of Bangabandhu on March 7 and rushed to face the enemy. Which was completed by the great people of this country on December 16th through victory. So this day is an unforgettable day for the Bengali nation.

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