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Dung coating to save the car from overheating!

People from all walks of life are exposed to this heat of summer

The Dhaka Times Desk It has been extremely hot recently. People are disorientated by the heat. The situation is the same everywhere whether inside or outside. And to avoid this heat, people adopt various strategies, such as one person covered the car with dung to save it from overheating!

গাড়িকে অতি গরম থেকে বাঁচাতে গোবরের প্রলেপ! 1

People from all walks of life are exposed to this heat of summer. There is a sweltering heat everywhere. As the day progresses, the sun shines brighter. Even in the evening, there is no relief. People's daily activities are accompanied by the rising sun throughout the day. A resident of Ahmedabad, India found a novel way to get rid of this laughing situation! He covered his car with dung to escape the heat! Which has already caught the attention of the internet world. This dung coated car has gone viral overnight!

The reason is that the ACT of the car of Sejal Shah, a resident of Ahmedabad, India, did not succumb to the heat. So keeping in mind their own comfort on the way, Sejal has covered his car with cow dung.

A few days ago, a young man named Rupesh Gaurang Das posted the picture of the car on social media. The picture shows a huge car covered in cow dung. In his post, Rupesh wrote, “Greatest use of dung!”

It is known that the current temperature in Ahmedabad is around 45 degrees. So Sejal Shah, a resident of Ahmedabad, India has adopted this method.

With the picture spreading in the net world, many have expressed interest to know how this work was done. Keoba asked again how many layers of dung are able to keep the car cool? This car has already gone viral.

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