China's invented train will run faster than the plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk Indeed, scientific research is progressing at a rapid pace. New research is coming out day by day. Now China has invented a train that will run faster than the train!

This time the Chinese are breaking their own records. China currently has the fastest train in the world (running). This time, China is going to break its own record by bringing an incredibly fast floating bullet train. The maximum speed of the train will be 600 km per hour. In other words, China is going to bring new trains that are faster than airplanes.

The prototype body's magnetic train is called a maglev. China's state-owned company China Railway Rolling Stock is building the train. The world's largest transit equipment maker is likely to launch the train in the second half of this year.

As an example of this new maglev train made in China, it takes 4 and a half hours by plane and 5 and a half hours by high speed train to go from the capital Beijing to Shanghai. This new maglev will only take about 3 and a half hours to get there. Ding Sansan, Deputy Chief Engineer of Chinese Railway Rolling Stock, said this.

Maglev trains use magnetizing technology to propel the train above the ground. Mr. Ding said that after nearly 3 years of tireless research, the train body has been prepared to adapt to the speed.

This post was last modified on মে ২৮, ২০১৯ 10:55 am

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