Categories: Science-invention

Virgin will launch rockets from the plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk Virgin Orbit is moving forward with the target of launching a rocket from under the wing of a huge plane. Rockets are usually launched vertically from the ground.

It is known that many organizations in the world are working on how to launch small rockets outside of this method.

Virgin Orbit is a subsidiary of Richard Branson's space travel company Virgin Galactic. This company has made a small rocket called LauncherOne. That would send washing machine-sized satellites into space.

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It is known that the launch pad of this new rocket is 35 thousand feet above the ground. Virgin Orbit has a Boeing 747 aircraft named Cosmic Girl. which takes LauncherOne into the sky. According to the plan, the rocket would open and fall under the plane's left wing, and the rocket would immediately ignite and propel it the rest of the way to orbit with the help of a booster.

Cosmic Girl is piloted by Kelly Latimer. He also has experience flying fighter jets and 747s. Only at the right time will the rocket be launched from the plane, said Latimer. He also said, "From there the rocket will run by itself. We cut it off at the right time, the rocket counts to 5 and then starts its motor and heads off into space.”

It is reported that though till now this entire process is on trial. Virgin Orbit has not yet launched Launcher One from an aircraft. However, it is believed that it will be possible to launch a rocket into space in the next few days, making history.

This post was last modified on জুন ১৬, ২০১৯ 12:00 pm

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