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The village is only one month a year on the water!

When this village, called Kardi, floats on water for a month, the residents return to their homes on land

The Dhaka Times Desk 11 months of the year are under water and only one month is above water. That is, this village can be seen only for one month in a year. Goa, the western province of India, is the village!

যে গ্রাম বছরে মাত্র এক মাস থাকে পানির উপর! 1

It is a village in the western state of Goa, India. This village is under water for 11 months of the year. But when this village called Kardi floats on water for a month, the inhabitants return to their homes on land and celebrate their return.

Supriya Vohra said that the incident started in 1986. Since then the inhabitants of this village knew that there would be no more trace of the village.

The first dam in the province was built that year and the village was completely submerged as a result. This village was once a prosperous village in South East Goa.

But every year in May, when the water recedes, it can be seen what remains in the village. This information has been highlighted in a report by BBC Bengal.

The report also said - mud, tree stumps, decayed houses, collapsed religious places of worship, various household items and abandoned wastelands. These things can be seen when the water recedes.

There is a saying that the yield is high in the land of this village. Three thousand people lived in this village. Paddy was cultivated and the village was surrounded by coconut trees, casunat, mango and jackfruit trees. Hindus, Muslims and Christians lived here. But the scenario changed dramatically when Goa gained independence from the Portuguese in 1961.

The first chief minister informed the villagers that all of South Goa would benefit if this dam, the first of its kind in the state, was built.

It was also informed that everyone from this village was shifted to the neighboring village and promised many facilities there.

They were given land and compensation but the water from the dam did not reach the village where they were evacuated. Still, the residents of Kardi waited for May.

When the water recedes they return to their lost villages, a little stunned by the ruins of their homes, they pray again in the ruined shrines. Along with that he did the memorial service. Just like that they returned to the village and started working again.

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