The dynamic feature is being added to Gmail on July 2

The Dhaka Times Desk Google had already announced the addition of some dynamic features to Gmail. This announcement by Google is going to be effective from next July 2.

According to a press release, according to the announcement, Gmail users will see several changes in incoming and replying emails. Google can identify these dynamic e-mails by looking at the bold text.

Google said in a blog post that dynamic email will be rolling out to all Gmail users. That is, all Gmail users will see these dynamic e-mails by default.

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Dynamic e-mails allow users to easily take actions directly from within the message. For example, you can respond to any event, browse any catalog and reply to any comment.

For example, if a user wants to make a comment on a Google Doc, he doesn't need to receive a separate email notification from someone mentioning the comment. View up-to-date threads in dynamic Gmail - where they can reply from within text and provide solutions to any issue.

But for that, users have to follow some guidelines. To enable dynamic e-mail, you must first sign in to Gmail. Then dynamic e-mail can be turned on from the settings in the upper right, according to the published information.

This post was last modified on জুন ২৩, ২০১৯ 5:15 pm

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