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Millions of Nike shoes floating in the sea!

The main attraction on the Mid-Atlantic beaches was the colorful Nike shoes that washed up

The Dhaka Times Desk Case in point – you went to the beach barefoot. Then he went there and saw that there are rows of shoes for you on the beach! It's not cheap again, really expensive expensive Nike shoes. Unfortunately, you can not use those shoes!

সমুদ্রে ভাসছে নাইকির লক্ষ লক্ষ জুতা! 1

Why can't the shoes found in the sea be used? The reason is that the shoes are no longer usable after a long sea voyage. Sea salt water rots shoe leather. Water bugs nest in those shoes. It is heard that bunches of Nike shoes are floating on the beach from different parts of the world.

According to media reports, colorful Nike shoes washed up on Mid-Atlantic beaches last year. From the beaches of Ireland to the Bahamas, England, France, news of Nike shoes is heard in all countries. Those who have a habit of finding strange things on the beach, set out to unravel this mystery.

It is known that last year in March, there was a ship accident in North Carolina's inaccessible sea. About 70 containers were lost at sea in the accident of the ship named 'Mayorx Shanghai'. Each container contained about 29,000 Nike shoes! Those shoes are currently floating on the beaches of different countries.

However, Nike authorities have not reported any accidents so far. But this incident is not the first time. A similar ship carrying Nike shoes suffered a sea accident in 1990. 61,000 Nike shoes were lost at sea.

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