Torrent is a popular medium for file sharing. You can get everything you want through torrent. Games, movies, music videos, software and more! Knowing some terminology of torrent will help you to understand the tutorial. Torrent is P2P file sharing. P2P is Peer 2 Peer. Peer downloads and uploads at the same time. Those who upload are called Seeds. The software through which torrent is downloaded is called Client. The server where the torrent file is kept is called Tracker. I will discuss in detail how to use such a tracker software µTorrent.
প্রথমেই সরাসরি µTorrent Download and install it from its official website. Its installation is as simple as any other software. But be sure to pay attention to each step during installation as it may ask you to install other software as an advertisement, you should uncheck it and install µTorrent only.
Now how to find and download torrent files, let's clarify the matter with a small example. Suppose you the butterfly effect মুভিটা নামাতে চাচ্ছেন। গুগলে গিয়ে সার্চ দিন এভাবে the butterfly effect+torrent লিখে। দেখুন, প্রথম লিঙ্কে দেখাচ্ছে, The.Butterfly.Effect[2004]DvDrip[Eng]-Zeus_Dias (download torrent …, লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন। সেখান থেকে নিম্নোক্ত ছবি অনুযায়ী ক্লিক করুন
Then a dialog box will appear, click ok
Next, from the dialog box that appears, browse to save in and specify where to save your file on the drive.
Then click OK
After that wait for a while, see your desired movie start downloading, see below picture
A little extra work remains. Those who use limited net can do this to save bandwidth. That is to reduce the upload speed of the torrent. This will not cost you extra bandwidth. To do this go to the system tray. Click the right mouse button on µTorrent.
Check the download and upload limits. Set the download limit to unlimited (it is set by default).
After that click on the right button again and from here slowly reduce the upload limit to 1 KB. First time but one kilobyte option will not come. 32, 20, 10, 5, 3 will gradually come to 1 kilobyte. For this, you have to click on the upload limit several times to reduce it. Do this several times. Suppose, from 30 kilobytes to 20. After two or three seconds click on upload limit again and change it to 10. Thus comes up to 1 Kbps. If I understand correctly, this should take you 30 seconds max. See the image below
You don't have to do this until you give a new Windows to the PC. Those who don't understand non-techy torrents can follow this method. Windows 7 or XP, everything will work the same.
After using it for a few days, you will understand yourself which is a good quality torrent. But seed/leech files can be downloaded easily. See below for example
Look at the stained parts, there is a lot of seed/leech which means you don't have to get that much speed to download these files. It is better not to download the files in which you see seed/leech less than 20/30 or 0.
The advantage of torrenting is that it won't slow down your browsing speed. Even if you turn off the PC there will be no problem. After turning on the PC just run the software again, you will see your movie starts downloading again. If you see the download is disabled, then force start as shown in the image below.
A caveat: Nothing will be uploaded except a part of the file you downloaded. Suppose at this moment you have three torrents whose download is complete, if you want to stop the uploading of one of them and continue uploading the others, then right click on that torrent and click on the stop option, then the uploading will stop.
Links to some popular torrent sites for your convenience:
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৬, ২০১৪ 11:07 am
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