Categories: Picturesque

The world's strange name: a person named the child Google!

The Dhaka Times Desk A lot of funny things happen in the world about naming. But all the fun has been overtaken by a recently named baby. The baby has been named Google. This name has become a sensation in the net world!

A couple from Indonesia's Java province named their first child after Google. There is nothing before and after the name. Only Google named his child. Hence this name is considered as the 'world's strangest name'.

The couple's name is Andi Chaha Suputra and Ella Karin from the province of Java, Indonesia. When Ella Karin first became pregnant, husband Andy Chaha decided to name their child something common. But when Ella is 7 months pregnant, Andy changes his mind and decides to name the child something special or exceptional to match the technology.

Then Andy Chaha decided to name iPhone, Windows, Microsoft, iOS. But the sad thing is that none of the above names were appealing to him. Finally, he decided that his child will be named after the search engine giant Google, that is, his child will be named Google.

Although initially wife Ella did not like this name. He even disliked the name so much that he didn't even tell anyone his child's name for the first 3 months. But gradually he started liking this name too. Because he also kept hoping that his child would one day become famous like Google.

But why didn't he add anything before the child's name? In response to a question asked by the local media, Andy Chaha said, "I did not want to spoil the greatness of this name by joining another name with Google." He also said, just as many people benefit from Google every day, my child will grow up to benefit or benefit people.

However, even though Andy Chaha and Ella couple are happy with this Google name, they have to face many ironies. Many have jokingly asked their next child to be named WhatsApp. However, this couple does not care about these jokes at all. Because they hope that their child will one day be as famous as Google.

This post was last modified on জুন ৩০, ২০১৯ 1:02 pm

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