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Varna Chakraborty's new song on Hughes TV's YouTube channel

This is a romantic song titled 'Tumi Ami' written by Al Mamun and sung by Varna Chakraborty

The Dhaka Times Desk Varna Chakraborty's new song with lyrics by Al Mamun has been released on YouTube. Varna Chakraborty has already responded for this song with exceptional singing.

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This time he was joined by young poet and journalist Al Mamun. Varna Chakraborty composed for the first time the song written by him.

This romantic song titled 'Tumi Ami' written by Al Mamun and sung by Varna Chakraborty was recently released on Hughes TV's YouTube channel. Varna Chakraborty himself has composed and composed the song.

Varna Chakraborty said about the song, 'I got to know Al Mamun because of working in the media. One day he told me that he also writes songs. Later he gave me some songs he wrote, I like it. From there I arranged the melody and music for the song 'Tumi Aami'. Let's see how the audience responds.'

Al Mamun said about this, 'I have been writing stories-poems-songs since my childhood. Although the story-poem book has been published, no one has set the tune to my song before. Now Varna Chakraborty composed and sang, I liked the song. I hope the audience will like this romantic song.'

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