The Dhaka Times Desk People go home and sleep. But that's a bonus if you sleep enough! It has been said that office workers can get a bonus if they sleep enough at home! A strange news!
Doctors say that an adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep. Needless to say, most people sleep less than 8 hours, be it due to work pressure or whatever. All over the world, students and working people suffer from lack of adequate sleep. People in Japan are also suffering from the same problem. In busy life, many people sleep much less than they need. Nowadays, many people are used to working, watching TV or browsing the Internet, so they do not sleep properly. Besides, many have to get up early in the morning and run to the office. That's why many of us have puffy eyes all day. But if you can take a little sleep in the office, then the matter is probably good, right? If you could sleep again, the boss of the office! Then there is no word! You even get several bonuses along with the salary for sleeping! So how about that? But not surprisingly, this has now become the norm in several Japanese companies. Sleeping in the office is given a bonus!
According to a study, a Japanese citizen sleeps about 36 minutes less than he needs. To pay attention to that, several companies in Japan are providing adequate sleep for employees.
According to news media, keeping in mind the need for adequate sleep, several offices in Japan are making such special arrangements for adequate sleep for employees. An event organizer company in Japan has an exceptional special incentive for their employees. It is said that if you sleep more than 6 hours at home, the employees of that company will get extra money with salary!
This post was last modified on জুলাই ১, ২০১৯ 12:36 pm
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