Categories: Picturesque

Divorce his wife for asking 30 rupees on the street!

The Dhaka Times Desk ভারতে সবজি কেনার জন্য স্বামীর কাছ থেকে ৩০ টাকা চেয়েছিলেন এক নারী। এই ‘অপরাধে’ মাঝ রাস্তাতেই দাঁড়িয়ে চিত্‍‌কার করে তিন তালাক দিয়ে দিলেন স্বামী!

It is alleged that he also beat his wife at that time. 30-year-old Zainab was taken to the hospital with injuries and was discharged after first aid. This incident took place in Raoji Bazar in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Zainab's father Mursalim alleged that after the divorce, besides beating his daughter, her mother-in-law also tried to remove her earrings. However, the woman Zainab had to face more harassment for not opening the gift given by her father. He was also beaten by his in-laws.

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ওই নারীর বাবা জানান, তার ৯ বছর আগে বিয়ে হয়েছিলো। ৪টি সন্তান থাকলেও স্বামী সাবিরের সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক মোটেও ভালো ছিল না। তিনি জানান, দু’বছর পূর্বে একবার স্ত্রীর মাথায় লাঠি দিয়ে আঘাতও করেছিল সাবির।

A few years ago, Sabir left her at her father's house as Zainab was ill. When Zaynab returned after 5/6 days, she was still refused to take her back home. A complaint has been filed against Sabir and his family at the local Dadri police station.

Zainab's family has raised questions about Sabir's bail from Magistrate Court. They claimed that Sabir should have been produced in the Surajpur court. The concerned police said that this incident will be sent to the family court.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৮, ২০১৯ 2:50 pm

Staff reporter

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