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The largest solar power plant in the world has been built in the United Arab Emirates

Previously, the world's largest solar power plant was launched by the African country of Morocco

The Dhaka Times Desk The world's largest solar power plant has been built in the United Arab Emirates. This power plant will meet the electricity needs of many people.

আরব আমিরাতে গড়ে উঠেছে বিশ্বের বৃহত্তম সৌরবিদ্যুৎ কেন্দ্র 1

Abu Dhabi, one of the provinces of the United Arab Emirates, launched this world's largest solar power plant. The power plant has been constructed with 3.2 million solar panels on an area of 3.1 square miles.

This solar power plant is expected to meet the electricity needs of 90,000 people. Moreover, it will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 1 million metric tons. At least 2 lakh diesel vehicles need to be taken off the road to reduce these emissions.

Previously, the world's largest solar power plant was launched by the African country of Morocco. Using the hot sun of the Sahara region, Morocco is producing clean electricity.

The Nur-O Urazazate complex covers an area of 3,000 hectares, which is equivalent to about 3,500 football fields. Solar panels have been built here.

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