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Freedom is the name of intense love

Muhammad Altaf Hossain The great day in the history of Bangladesh is March 26. Our Independence Day. Today is the Great Independence Day. Politicians, philosophers, poets, journalists and people from all walks of life will speak the most beautiful, significant and far reaching words about freedom on this day. All together will expand the meaning, consonance and concept of freedom like a far-reaching dream in the hearts of people. Freedom in the thought of daily life and happiness in the future will take you to an unseen aesthetic world. In the deep depths of the human soul, the inexhaustible light and spark of freedom will be echoed by the music of the cuckoo in a deep love.
স্বাধীনতা এক নিবিড় ভালবাসার নাম 1
Philosophers guide freedom; Politicians struggle. But the poets embellished it with epithets, embedded it in the people's tantri. 'Who wants to live in the absence of freedom.., can only be said by a poet. It is impossible to find any poet who did not write poetry about freedom. Bengali, Urdu, Hindi, Persian, English, Spanish, Arabic, French - poets of all languages have written their best poetry in the light of freedom and freedom. And the people built the platform of liberation in the spirit of that freedom.

He was a Turkish poet. Name Nazim Hikmat. This poet, who is popular as a fairy tale, had to spend 18 years in the prison of his own country. He had to spend the rest of his life abroad, in exile due to the strange order of the government. This punishment met the Nazim's fate for inciting the naval forces of that country to mutiny. Describing his trial aboard a battleship, he said he had to run around the ship's deck in order until he fell ill. Then he was locked in the closet. He was submerged up to his waist in piles of faeces in that room. His head was spinning from the stench, his body was on the verge of exhaustion. At that moment he felt that all those who wanted to punish him were looking at him - wanting to see when he would break down in this unbearable pain and torture. But he regained his heart with an unprecedented sense of pride. He began to sing, shouting at the top of his voice, he began to sing songs - songs of his own - farmers' songs, farm songs, love songs. The torture of the tyrant and all the filth and pain of the body disappeared in an instant.

The history of the French Revolution of 1789 cannot be written without the introduction of song, yes song, song. On July 14, 1789, the crowd of Paris stormed the Bastille by singing. Innumerable songs were created, like innumerable propaganda papers, for the recognition of freedom of speech and individual, for taking away equality, friendship and freedom. In these songs, public demands, public aspirations were raised. As the revolution progressed, the number of songs also increased in fierce hatred against the despotic monarch, the nobility. The composers of the songs did not belong to any particular community. People of all professions wrote, composed, printed and sold and distributed songs. Rarely were the songs accompanied by notes, most of them were to the tune of an old song. The composer himself or others used to play the violin and sing. And the song spread from mouth to mouth in the streets and corners of the French country. The main point of which was freedom.

In the postmodern age of the second decade of the 21st century, in this year 2012, freedom is a Rousseau-like cry of introspection; Singing the song of liberation like a Nazim, the memory of which still lingers in the fabric of the great French Revolution and in every emancipatory initiative in the world. There is nothing greater and nobler than advancing the path of liberation through introspection with freedom in mind. This work needs to be done now with utmost importance. It is necessary to remember, in the swirling stream of political conflict, freedom, liberation war and history, we must stand at an aesthetic distance from all violence and hatred and say 'Freedom is the name of intense love'. Enriched in the equation of personal love, the love charm of the nation must be preserved in pure existence beyond all dominance, aggression, inferiority.

In the forty years of independence, the ups and downs of emotions and realities have flowed along the river of the nation's history. Even so, freedom, the spirit of freedom, the liberation war has sometimes been attacked from within and without. Identify external attacks: They are imperialism, hegemony, expansionism and aggression-driven. And when freedom, the spirit of freedom, the war of liberation is wounded-injured-injured-affected by political selfishness, factionalism, nefarious conspiracies, then the whole nation has to be careful. In this kind of historical crisis, in the midst of confusion, in the midst of confusion, in the dark field of conspiracy, the spirit of freedom, the spirit of freedom, and the freedom war, every human being has to echo the sound of the basic truth in the bloody cry of the human race.
স্বাধীনতা এক নিবিড় ভালবাসার নাম 2
On the road of the world, country to country, family to family, war, struggle, betrayal, determination, dreams, people tread blood, death, battlefield and move forward to the future. Not the past, but the future stands in the way. The war is over, the blood is smelled, the words of violence fade into the air, and the bitterest love remains as the last essence as the representative of the strongest truth. There is no achievement unless a thousand lamps of love are lit. Died by violence. After defeating and rejecting violence, malice, conspiracy, arrogance, latent arbitrariness of individuals and groups and internal and external pettiness and hurt, an individual must finally say 'freedom is the name of intense love'. People rush to the combined power of unity and harmony and immediately say in a collective voice: 'Earth is one family. Come, 'light the torch of unity'.

Man not only interprets reality, he also dreams of the future in the light of the interpretation. He wants to move forward with the people of the country and the world. That dreams and progress are essential, true and benevolent for the universal human society. Independence has been dreamed of in the countries of the world - also in Bangladesh. Repeatedly taken to the battlefield, in the war. Those war journeys for human liberation are also a great dream journey. A great march of human liberation. A march towards freedom, liberation, real rule of law and democracy against illiteracy, hunger, poverty, ugliness, partisanship, autocracy, dictatorship. This journey is another name of the historical struggle of the brave people of Bangladesh. What the poet calls: 'the unfinished struggle of liberation'. This is what Henry David Thoreau said in another passage: "Until the state recognizes the individual as a superior and independent power, the source of its own power and authority, and until it treats the individual accordingly--until the state is truly free and enlightened." There will be no state.''

By pushing people away, by delaying them, by dividing them, by dividing the people into sections, by raising the mountains of discord among the people, is it possible to sing with a united voice: 'Freedom is the name of intense love'. Spreading violence can not sing the song of love? But people naturally want to sing about love, want to sing about freedom. Does not want to sing the song of violence, wants to echo the unity. In the 40th year of independence, the voice of the people has become a song of love, a voice of unity, and 'independence' is being chanted continuously. The voice of the people is echoing on the great wall of history and is spreading from village to city, in the atrium of the city, in the port-in the sea-in the ship-in the mountains, in the heart of the people in the heart of the people in the heart of the world in the center and at the edge of Bangladesh. In the historical moment of Bangladesh, the entire nation, enlivened by the light of freedom and liberation, along with the achievements of the past, the journey started on the golden path of the future will reach the desired destination of success with the power of intense love. (Muhammad Altaf Hossain veteran journalist and columnist)

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