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India's Gujarat bans women's mobile phones before marriage!

The wind of the change of era has touched the surface of people's lives. The use of technology seems to be increasing day by day

The Dhaka Times Desk Just as modern information technology has given many opportunities to people, it also makes people's lives miserable at times. One of the main reasons for this is misdirection.

ভারতের গুজরাতে বিয়ের আগে মেয়েদের মোবাইল নিষিদ্ধ! 1

The wind of the change of era has touched the surface of people's lives. The use of technology seems to be increasing day by day. On one hand it has made the life journey of people much easier and on the other hand it is taking people to the threshold of hell. For example, one of them is mobile. The use of mobile is increasing day by day. In Gujarat, India, a state court has banned girls from using mobile phones before marriage. This directive was issued on July 14 in Thakor community of Gujarat.

Many feel that while girls are outpacing boys in many fields in the 21st century, some parts of India are still stuck in medieval mindsets. One such place is Dantiwara of Banaskantha in Gujarat. A strict order has been issued that no unmarried girl can use mobile phone here.

It is known that this order was issued in a meeting in Jalol village. It has been reported that if an unmarried girl uses a mobile phone, her father will have to pay a fine of Rs. Besides, it has been ordered to stop the DJ party or the burning of large sums of money during the wedding. This instruction is given to stop extra expenses in marriage.

The Thakor community meeting also decided that it would be considered a crime for a girl to marry against the family. These rules are accepted by the people of the village as their 'constitution'!

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