The Dhaka Times
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300 feet in which direction is seen?

Nusrat Imroz Tisha is playing the role of an elderly mother in this drama

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone knows about the 300 feet area of the capital Dhaka. There an elderly woman was seen crossing the road from the bus with a bag in her hand. All the locals including the passengers on the moving bus were surprised to see that scene.

৩০০ ফিটে এ কোন তিশাকে দেখা যাচ্ছে? 1

Because the old woman they were looking at was none other than a very familiar face. It looked familiar at first sight, but couldn't be sure. On getting closer, it was confirmed that this elderly woman is none other than the popular small screen actress Nusrat Imroz Tisha.

300 feet is going on for the drama 'Ektu Pari Rodh Nacha' drama. Nusrat Imroz Tisha is playing the role of an elderly mother in this drama. Mabrur Rashid Bannah is directing the play based on the story written by Fahad Al Muktadir.

Rashid Bannah of Mabrur said, 'The play is the story of mother and son. The son had to go to jail for some reason when he was young. Since then, the mother has been fighting to free her son. One such story is under construction at this 300 feet location.'

While talking about Bannah, everyone's interest is around Tisha. The reason is that she can be recognized in the old makeup. Despite not wanting to photograph such a scene, Tisha says that, 'I am always interested in different types of work. If I like the story, I never think about what character I am playing. I am playing the role of a mother in this drama. I hope the audience will see a drama with a good story.'

It is to be noted that the drama 'Ektu Pari Rod Nahasha' will be seen on a private TV channel on the coming Eid of Sacrifice.

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