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The Bajau tribe has the incredible ability to drown under water!

A harsh reality lies behind the maritime lifestyle of this nomadic people who spend their time at sea.

The Dhaka Times Desk A tribe living in the seas adjacent to the Pacific and Indian oceans in Southeast Asia who spent almost their entire lives at sea. This tribe has the incredible ability to drown under water!

পানির নিচে ডুবে থাকার অবিশ্বাস্য ক্ষমতার অধিকারী বাজাউ উপজাতি! 1

The name of this particular tribe is Bajau tribe. They have a rare ability or ability. And that is, incredibly, they are able to hold their breath under water for about 10 to 13 minutes, which no other tribe in the world can ever do.

According to media reports, the thing behind the marine life of this nomadic people who spend their time in the sea is a harsh reality. About a thousand years ago. Dayang Ayesha, princess of the Johor kingdom in Southeast Asia, was being taken to be married to the king of the Sulu kingdom. So the king of Johor's huge royal fleet is going to sea. A fleet of hundreds of boats. The princess is being guarded by a tribe called Bajau. Those who know and know the sea of this area like the palm of their hand.

The then Sultan of Brunei had previously wanted to marry Ayesha. But the King of Johor was not willing to marry his daughter to the Sultan of Brunei. The Sultan of Brunei could not forget such an insult. He could not accept Ayesha's marriage with the king of Sulu in any way. So the Sultan adopted another strategy. Bringing a larger fleet, he ambushed the fleet of the Johor kingdom. After a fierce fight in the deep sea, he snatched away the princess of Johar.

The Sultan of Brunei married the princess upon returning home. Hundreds of Bajaus and their families are in danger. The King of Johor will be killed when he returns home. They could not return home for fear of their lives. They are also separated from the land forever. The sea becomes their home. The Bajaura roamed the various seas and bays, like landless nomads.

পানির নিচে ডুবে থাকার অবিশ্বাস্য ক্ষমতার অধিকারী বাজাউ উপজাতি! 2

Bajaura is still in the sea

The Bajau-Louts became completely dependent on the sea. Even today they spend their whole lives in the sea. Several gulfs exist around Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia located between the Pacific and Indian oceans. Their names are Sulu, Celebis, Banda, Java, Maluku, Flores and Savu. In the blue waters of these bays roam the Bajaura, their special shaped boats are called Lepa. They have no fixed address. Hence they are called 'Sea Gypsy' or 'Sea Nomad'.

Bajaud's temporary settlement in the shallow waters of the sea

In the shallows of the sea, half a kilometer inland from the shore, the Bajaura built their makeshift villages. Houses made of bamboo and wood can be dismantled within hours. The waves of the sea flow under these houses.

Everyone stays in the boat from birth to death. Surprising as it may sound, it is true that there are many people in this tribe who have never set foot on the ground. How to keep They don't have their own country, the police chase them when they hear their name.

It is known that Bajauras cannot even tell their own age. Even in this age they have no idea about dates. Just like they don't know what electricity is and why. Some friendly villages on the seashore provide them with firewood and water and clothes. In return the Bajaurs give them fish.

পানির নিচে ডুবে থাকার অবিশ্বাস্য ক্ষমতার অধিকারী বাজাউ উপজাতি! 3

Bajaura are divers like whales and dolphins

According to one source, this tribe is very calm and peaceful and lives entirely on seafood. Most of the year they have to go under the sea to collect food. So every Bajau man and woman is a diver of incredible quality. Children can also move smoothly under water. They even go into the sea to play.

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