Mobile charge with headphones!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many new methods of mobile charging are coming in this modern technology era. Now the mobile phone can be charged with solar powered headphones!

Headphone mobile chargeHeadphone mobile charge

Andrew Anderson, a researcher from Glasgow, UK, has created a pair of headphones that can be charged on a mobile phone. The headphone named 'Onbit' uses special technology flexible solar cell. It will collect 55.55 watts of electricity from sunlight. This energy will be stored in two small-sized lithium batteries, which will then be used to charge mobile phones.

Andrew Anderson is looking for investors to market this particular headphone. He hopes that if two lakh pounds are available, it will be possible to start the production of the headphones from next year. Source: BBC

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This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৬, ২০২৫ 5:22 pm

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