The Dhaka Times
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At the age of 6 years own income of 68 million rupees house!

Although unbelievable, such an incident happened in South Korea

The Dhaka Times Desk Only 6 years old but in real life now he is an established man! At this age, he has built a house of 68 million rupees with his own income!

৬ বছর বয়সেই নিজ আয়ে ৬৮ কোটি টাকার বাড়ি! 1

A child named Boram has opened two YouTube channels under his own name with updates on various dolls. Among them, one channel has 1 crore 36 lakh viewers and the other has 1 crore 76 lakh viewers.

This child is only 6 years old. Has already bought a house with 80 million US dollars from his own income! Unbelievable, such an incident happened in South Korea.

But Borum's journey was not smooth from the start. There have been many controversies about his channels. There is also a debate about whether it is right to run a YouTube channel especially at such a young age.

It is known that the ordinary citizens of South Korea also filed a complaint against Borum to Save the Children. Someone goes to court again. However, the court ruled in favor of Boram. That is why his progress did not stop. Today Boram has become an idol to the society and everyone.

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