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Regent Hospital has announced to provide free test and treatment for dengue patients

Chairman of Regent Group. Shahed said in a Facebook status

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of dengue patients is increasing every day. A terrible situation has arisen among the city dwellers. The Regent Hospital of the capital Dhaka has announced to provide free test and treatment for dengue patients.

ফ্রিতে ডেঙ্গু রোগীর টেস্ট ও চিকিৎসা সেবা দেওয়া ঘোষণা দিয়েছে রিজেন্ট হাসপাতাল 1

Chairman of Regent Group. Shahed said in a Facebook status that Regent Hospital will provide free dengue test and treatment to patients. This service will be available from Uttara and Mirpur branches of the hospital. Chairman of Regent Group said this through a post on Facebook last Sunday (July 28). Shahed.

In a post on Facebook, he wrote that dengue test will be done free of cost if any dengue patient is found in Regent Hospital Uttara or Mirpur branch. There will be no cost for the treatment.

He wrote that if anyone has dengue or feels feverish, call the Regent Hospital hotline or knock on my inbox.

The medical staff of Regent Hospital will reach your home immediately. The hot line number of Regent Hospital Uttara branch is: 01750999499 whereas the hot line number of Regent Hospital Mirpur branch is: 01971239652


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