Categories: special news

It is very important to know about dengue

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the worries of the people of the capital about dengue. Every day, hundreds of people are flocking to the hospital due to dengue. Know what is very important to know about dengue in such a situation.

On the Facebook account of a person named Murshidul Hasan about dengue. An article published in Nisham Sarkar. As one of the major threats of the present time is dengue. Therefore, the article is published precisely thinking that this matter will be useful in creating public awareness:

“Suppose your fever came on the 12th. You went to see the doctor on the 14th. That is, on the third day of fever. When the doctor saw that you were on the third day of fever, he asked you to do the Dengue NS1 antigen test, along with a Complete Blood Count (CBC). What did you do that you don't have money today, you won't do it after 2 days? You did that test 2 days later, that is on the 16th. That day was the 5th day of fever. Your dengue test result is dengue negative. You started thanking the Almighty God happily. Whereas in CBC platelets 30-35 thousand/cm, hematocrit 45%. Hands on the doctor's head! You will say, I spent money on the test, dengue came negative, why is the doctor scared! You gave the doctor a double whammy, and Niles went to vandalize the diagnostic center, because you have too much current in your Ye.

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The fact is, it's your fault. Dengue NS1 Antigen test is positive within the first 3 days of fever (1). If you have dengue afterwards, it can, and does, come back negative. I myself had a patient this Monday whose dengue was NS1 negative and came limping two days after receiving the report. He tested on day 5 of fever. That is, on the 7th day he came to show the report because his dengue negative is nothing to fear. 2 days ago his platelets were 32 thousand/cm, hematocrit 47%.

So what to do?

1) Tell your doctor exactly how many days your fever lasts, if possible, on the dates and times. He will tell you which tests you need.

২) ৫ম/৬ষ্ঠ দিন হতে Dengue IgG & IgM পরীক্ষা করাতে হবে(২)। যেহেতু এই পরীক্ষাটি Dengue NS1 পরীক্ষার তুলনায় কিছুটা মুল্য বেশী, তাই জ্বর আসবার সাথে সাথেই এক মুহুর্ত দেরী না করে চিকিৎসক এর পরামর্শ নিন।

3) If dengue is confirmed, regular CBC test should be done as advised by the doctor. In this case, besides coming to show the report, the patient should be brought. It is not possible to understand the physical condition of the patient just by looking at the report.

4) If your doctor suggests other tests including liver function test, ECG, chest x-ray after CBC and dengue test, don't assume that he has done the test for money laundering. I said that we have a tendency to think like this. Dengue shock syndrome/expanded dengue syndrome easily develops organ failure. Gone are the days of death due to low platelet count, dengue has come in a new form. A variety of neurological symptoms including liver failure, kidney failure, acute respiratory syndrome, pleural effusion are also seen this time(3). As the patient does not want to spend money, many doctors are forced to repeat the platelet count instead of repeating the total CBC. Remember, the patient may be saving some money, but ultimately if even 1 in 10 worsens, the liability falls on you. You should also look at the hematocrit. Even if the patient goes into shock, there is also an instruction in the guideline to do hourly hematocrit (4).

5) Above all, support your doctor. Even in this epidemic, our dengue death rate is enviably lower than any neighboring country. I would like to give this credit to our mid-level doctors, nurses and brothers.

Everyone be careful. There's still time. Keep clean in the house or next to the house, do not allow water to accumulate. Sleep with mosquito nets. Pay special attention to children. And even if the fever is a 1-day fever, contact the doctor without delay. Wishing everyone health.

Written by: Dr. Nisham Sarkar

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৩১, ২০১৯ 3:58 pm

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