Categories: health talk

Constipation: Problems and Solutions

The Dhaka Times Desk Almost all of us have experienced constipation at one time or another. This is a problem that many of us suffer from day in and day out. Find out the problem and solution of constipation today.

Apparently constipation is not such a terrible problem that we need to panic about. However, due to uncontrolled lifestyle and lack of manual labor, almost everyone is constipated. We suffer from constipation mainly due to irregularity in our food or unplanned diet. But if we can't control constipation in time then we may have a big disease like colon cancer. When we are constipated, the rectal tissue becomes inactive, which makes it difficult for us to pass stool. Besides, if food takes a long time to digest in the digestive system, our risk of problems like constipation increases.

Let's look at some causes of constipation:

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# If we do not drink water regularly, our risk of constipation increases in many ways. This problem occurs when the amount of water in the body decreases. We all need to drink plenty of water to protect ourselves from it.

# Eating less fiber causes constipation. If we consume less fiber like food, fruits, vegetables then we can have problems like constipation.

# can cause constipation due to physical problems such as diabetes, brain tumor, colon cancer etc.

# Constipation may occur if regular walking or exercise is not exercised. If we lie down for a long time due to any reason or illness, then our risk of constipation increases.

# can also cause constipation due to overdose or side effects of various drugs. Constipation is not such a big problem but it can lead to various complex diseases. So we have to keep ourselves away from this disease. In this case, we get various medicines, but we can easily save ourselves from this disease like constipation by some of our home remedies. Let there be nothing to save from constipation

the way

# Constipation can be avoided by eating more fiber-rich foods regularly. Many of us eat ripe bananas when we are constipated because bananas are rich in fiber which softens our stools. Ripe bananas increase our digestive power which helps us to protect ourselves from constipation.

# Mixing cardamom with milk, if we soak a large cardamom in a cup of milk overnight and take milk with that cardamom, we can get a lot of relief from constipation. If we have a lot of constipation problem then we have to take cardamom milk like this 2 times a day and night.

# lemon juice mixed with honey and taken regularly relieves constipation. Drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and a spoonful of honey every day, then mix it well and drink it. If you drink it regularly, you will see the results very quickly. Drink this mixture 2 times a day for its quick effect.

# To get rid of constipation we should always keep vegetables in our daily food list. Green vegetables increase our digestive power as well as relieve us from constipation. However, in complicated constipation problems, by making spinach juice and mixing it with half water twice a day, we can get rid of constipation in a very short time.

Apart from this, we can eliminate constipation by eating fibrous fruits like oranges and pears. Pears are rich in fructose and sorbitol which relieves constipation very quickly. In addition to this, some foreign fruits like figs, potatoes, kiwi fruit, berries play a special role in relieving constipation.

This post was last modified on May 30, 2023 5:10 pm

Staff reporter

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