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Three Muslim teenagers were beaten up in India for not saying 'Jai Shri Ram'

The Muslim teenagers affected in this incident are Sameer Siddiqui, Salman Ghiteli and Sohail Bhagat

The Dhaka Times Desk In India, three minority teenagers were once again beaten up for not saying Jai Shriram. This incident happened in Godhra area of Gujarat. There, three Muslim teenagers were beaten and seriously injured.

ভারতে ‘জয় শ্রীরাম’ না বলার কারণে তিন মুসলিম কিশোরকে গণপিটুনি 1

In India, three minority teenagers were once again beaten up for not saying Jai Shriram. This incident happened in Godhra area of Gujarat. There, three Muslim teenagers were beaten and seriously injured.

It is reported that three Muslim youths were severely beaten there for not saying Jai Shri Ram. Six unidentified persons have been charged in this incident. The family members of the victims said that the persons came on two motorbikes.

The Muslim teenagers affected in this incident are Sameer Siddiqui, Salman Ghiteli and Sohail Bhagat. They were returning home by motorbike. At that time, the attackers stopped them in the middle and caused such an incident. They have even threatened to kill the affected teenagers if they are seen again in the area. Later, however, the attackers fled after being chased by the locals. The local police have filed multiple cases against the 6 attackers.

Complainant Sohel Bhagat told the media that the three of them were returning home on a motorcycle last Thursday night. On the way, 6 unidentified assailants on two motorbikes stop Sameer, Salman and Sohail. At one stage they were asked to say 'Jai Sriram'. The torture started without them saying it. Sameer was hit on the forehead with a bicycle chain. Salman was hit on the head with a blunt object. The assailants also allegedly issued death threats while leaving.

The locals admitted the injured Sameer and his friends to the city hospital. Police officer HC Rathbha said during the investigation that 'None of the victims are in a condition to speak now. That is why the whole matter is not yet known from their mouth. Police said that an FIR has been lodged against 6 unidentified persons.

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