The Dhaka Times
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Nobel ruined his image by talking about the national anthem!

It can be said that the man made his debut as a popular singer of the people overnight

The Dhaka Times Desk Singer Mainul Ahsan Noble, who has gained popularity in a very short period of time, ruined his image because of a comment.

জাতীয় সঙ্গীত সম্পর্কে কথা বলে নিজের ইমেজকে নষ্ট করলেন নোবেল! 1

Many things can be criticized, but that's why the national anthem is criticized like this! The man who made his debut as a popular singer of the people almost overnight, made such a comment as if he had become small to everyone. The second runner-up of Kolkata's popular reality show 'Sa Re Ga Ma Pa' gained popularity among the general public even before the Nobel results were announced. Public opinion has been divided for and against his not being champion. Already, the uproar has started on social media with the interview given by him.

Nobel said in an interview that, "The song 'Bangladesh' written by Prince Mahmud shows the history and tradition of my country more clearly than the song 'Sonar Bangla' written by Rabindranath Tagore." The students of Dhaka University demanded that this song be given the status of national anthem. I accept that too.''

Although the opinion was 'purely personal', Nobel said. However, it was not well received by the wider Bengali society. When contacted by a news media, Nobel said, "I don't want to talk about this," he hung up.

When singer Rupam Islam was asked about this, he said, "I think what is in the national anthem of Bangladesh is fine. I don't think that the song that is being talked about so much is high class music. It is far from becoming a national anthem.

This is not the first time. Controversy has become synonymous with Nobel. Many questions have been raised about his behavior off screen. According to those close to him, Noble may be a good man. However, due to his behavioral problems, controversies erupted over him again and again. India's Anandabazar newspaper wrote about Nobel. A person who rose to fame in such a short time due to his sarcasm has belittled everyone by making such a comment about our national anthem. No one expected such a thing from him. Nobel's fans feel that it is not right to make such a comment without judgment, especially where the current generation of Nobel's voice is silent.

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