Categories: Picturesque

The story of becoming the owner of the park gardener!

The Dhaka Times Desk A story of going from a gardener to a millionaire has gone viral online. That person's name is Salim Mollah.

This Salim Molla was once the gardener of the park. After getting promoted, he became the office assistant of the Ministry of Public Works. Then the fingers became swollen. Salim Molla has become the owner of crores of rupees through corruption.

Recently, in an episode of the investigative program Investigation 360 degrees of the private TV channel Yamuna Television, such surprising information emerged.

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The report mentions that Salim Mollah joined the service as the gardener of Ramana Park in 1984. His attendance was only 10 rupees. However, after getting promoted, he is currently the office assistant of the Ministry of Public Works.

A neighbor of Salim Mollah said that his education was up to class seven. After that no more education was done. Jhitka Anandmohan High School in Manikganj visited for a certificate, but did not get it. Salim Mollah is currently the president of the governing body of that school.

10 taka attendance salary Salim Molla is currently the owner of crores of taka! The surrounding people were also surprised to see his rise. Did you find Aladdin's lamp, which overnight became the owner of billions of money?

In response to the question of how he became the owner of so much money, Salim Molla said that everyone in Bangladesh knows that working as an office assistant does not have any authority to sign files in the secretariat. So there is no chance to earn money.

However, sources told Investigation 360 Degrees that Salim Mollah owns a luxury house worth Rs 4 crore in his and his wife's name. He also has a multi-storied commercial building worth 8 crores, a market, two cars, a truck, 3 motorcycles.

Salim Mollah also owns a flat in Shahjadpur of the capital and 2 more houses in Khilgaon. But Salim Molla denied all this.

He said, I don't have any house in Dhaka. But he changed his tune after talking about two cars with specific numbers. He said, I have a Noah car in my name. It is rented. And there is a car in the family name.

Then he admitted to staying at home. He said, this is the property of my wife's father's house. The question is, where did so much wealth come from? In response, Salim Mollah claimed that we already had money.

A neighbor of Salim Mollah said, Salim Mollah did not have any traditional family. He was a child of a very poor family. So there is no reason to get so much money from family sources.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৫, ২০১৯ 10:18 am

Staff reporter

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