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All about Shakib's new heroine Zahara Mitu

Zahara Mitu became known for the beauty of the Miss World Bangladesh pageant

The Dhaka Times Desk After acting with Apu for a long time, Shakib Khan, who is known as the King Khan of Dhaka films, has done one film after another with Bubli. This time Zahara Mitu is going to be his new heroine. What does Zahara Mitu say?

শাকিবের নতুন নায়িকা জাহারা মিতুর যতো কথা 1

After acting with Apu for a long time, Shakib Khan, who is known as the King Khan of Dhaka films, has done one film after another with Bubli. This time Zahara Mitu is going to be his new heroine. What does Zahara Mitu say?

Zahara Mitu became known for the beauty of the Miss World Bangladesh pageant. He became the first runner-up in that competition. Later he involved himself in plays, music videos and presentations. Now he came to the silver world of Dhaliwood. Dhakai became the heroine of the film's top hero Shakib Khan. Mitu will act in Shakib Khan's new film 'Agun'.

Recently, the magnificent Maharat of the film was held in a five-star hotel in Dhaka. After becoming a heroine there, she expressed her gratitude in her speech. He asked for prayers from everyone. He said, in the context of Bangladesh, Shakib Khan is not only a superstar, but can be called a megastar.

He is new to cinema. Mitu said, 'I am just like mud, you can mold me as you wish.' Badiul Alam Khokon will produce the film 'Agun'.

শাকিবের নতুন নায়িকা জাহারা মিতুর যতো কথা 2

The actress looked very nervous during the shoot of the film 'Agun' produced by Desh Bangla Multimedia. Referring to the matter, Zahara Mitu said, 'I was presenting sports programs on television. From being a presenter, I am now going to act in movies. I feel a little nervous while standing and speaking in Mahrhat. I am really happy to get the opportunity to work in this movie. I also express my gratitude for giving me the opportunity.'

Meanwhile, Shakib fans are accepting Zahara Mitu well as Shakib Khan's heroine. This indication of the fans was found in the status of the fans on social media. Now it's time to see how much the new heroine Zahara Mitu can save the hearts of her fans.

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