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Health risks in this monsoon

During the rainy season, the level of monsoon winds in our country increases due to which very heavy rainfall is observed in our various regions

Woman hand with umbrella in the rain in green nature background

The Dhaka Times Desk Monsoon brings coolness to the heart of thirsty nature. Monsoon brings vitality to our mind. Monsoon comes to enliven and enliven our souls from the heat of summer.

এই বর্ষায় স্বাস্থ্য ঝুকি 1

In the artist's song:
It's time to lose your mind
The game of forgetting the way
I want... I want...
In debt to someone forever
Today is a cloudy day. . .

Generally, it rains naturally during the monsoon season. During the rainy season, the level of monsoon winds in our country increases due to which very heavy rainfall is observed in our various regions. Although its impact is more in the coastal areas, later this monsoon gradually spread across our country. In addition to natural beauty, we may face various physical complications and health problems during this season.

During this time, various water-borne diseases and various physical disabilities appear in our body. Recently, an epidemic of dengue fever has appeared in our country. During this rainy season, various mosquitoes including Aedes mosquitoes breed in various accumulated abandoned water. Water tubs, abandoned pots, can shells, tires, bottles etc. in our house, mosquitoes breed in the water accumulated in different places, which can cause us all the terrible diseases like dengue and chikungunya. So we all must keep our surroundings and environment very clean and take care so that mosquitoes don't get a chance to breed.

At present, the level of heat is not low in any part of the monsoon, so our sudden heat or sudden cold outbreak, again due to the entry of heat from the air-conditioner room, various problems including fever, cold, cough, cold, pneumonia appear in our body.

Those of us who are elderly have various breathing problems due to these hot and cold variations and those with COPD also have to face various problems.

As a result of the monsoons, water fills our cities or the water cannot be drained well, as a result of which this monsoon water enters our homes and causes various water-borne diseases such as diarrhea, jaundice, cholera, typhoid and other complex diseases. In addition, there is a problem of drinking water due to the increase in the water in the canals in the rural areas. Children are at increased risk of drowning. During this time, the number of snakebites is also high. The number of deaths due to lightning is increasing every year in our country due to excess lightning.

What to do in Monsoon: We have to be more conscious about drinking water. We have to take special care that we always boil our food water and drink it. So that we do not take cold water directly from extreme heat or very cold water from the refrigerator. During monsoon we can get various water borne diseases as well as various skin diseases so we all need to stay away from dirty water. If for any reason we get dirty water on our body then we should wash it with clean water as soon as possible.

The house or its surroundings should be kept clean so that mosquitoes cannot breed. We must use mosquito nets to avoid mosquito bites. Moreover, various mosquito killer coils, sprays, liquid refills etc. must be used.

Do not stay outside during thunderstorms or thunderstorms. No work shall be done in any open field or under any tree during storm or lightning.

During monsoon we have to pay special attention to children so that they do not get sick. Breastfed babies should be breastfed regularly to avoid pneumonia and diarrhoea. In addition, if any disease symptoms appear, we should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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