Categories: Picturesque

Boy to girl and girl to boy are married!

The Dhaka Times Desk Everything is trivial to love. In one word, everything is trivial to love. Two people who were once a girl and a boy fell in love. Now they are married from boy to girl and girl to boy!

Everything is trivial to love. In one word, everything is trivial to love. Two people who were once a girl and a boy fell in love. Now they are married from boy to girl and girl to boy!

This time, a transgender couple from India has really impressed everyone So love got a new life Recently, Teesta and Deepan couple tied the knot in Sajnatala. Everyone is engrossed in their love story. Getting married as a transgender is a truly exceptional case.

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Sushant was Teesta by birth On the other hand Deepan was born as Deepanvita. A man's mind in a woman's body, the opposite of the other. Women originally lived in men's bodies.

It is called the battle of mind and body. Society is with. After going through many storms, Sushant became Teesta at one time, Deepanvita became Dipan on the other hand.

Teesta was a little hesitant to engage in the relationship at first. Did you really think that love will ever come in his life? On the other hand, Deepan was totally in love with Teesta. But he was afraid to tell Teesta. However, the subsequent stories proceeded at their own pace. One by one Teesta-Dipan relationship went forward in the tide of love. Now that love has found a new shelter. This time, Teesta-Deepan is going to get tied up. This is the first such incident in West Bengal.

According to Teesta, this is truly a dream come true. I found such a person as a life partner, who is a person like me! As I have the power to understand him, he has the power to understand me. This is how Nav Parinita expressed this lover and lover. They hope that the marriage will be their seven children.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৮, ২০১৯ 10:53 am

Staff reporter

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