The Dhaka Times
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19-year-old daughter gave her father a new life

The girl is only 19 years old. And father's age is 65

The Dhaka Times Desk Truly the bond of blood is never wasted. At some point this blood relation is strengthened. A 19-year-old girl proved that. He gave his father a new life.

১৯ বছরের মেয়ে বাবাকে নতুন জীবন দিলেন 1

Truly the bond of blood is never wasted. At some point this blood relation is strengthened. A 19-year-old girl proved that. He gave his father a new life.

The girl is only 19 years old. And father's age is 65. For some time, father's stomach was aching, he could not eat anything. After being admitted to the hospital, it was revealed that he was suffering from severe liver disease. To recover, he must have a liver transplant! But who will give him the liver? His only daughter, 19-year-old Rakhi Dutt, came forward. He said, he is ready to donate a part of his liver for his father! Finally because of that brave girl, her father got a new life! A thrilling story of father and daughter!

We know father-daughter relationship is always a bit emotional. Rakhi Dutt was no exception. Rakhi Dutta broke down after hearing that her father had such a serious illness. Then he thought about the whole matter with a cool head. He needs a father in his life. Rakhi Dutt loves her father a lot. So he didn't take a moment to make a decision. Rakhi Dutt agreed to donate 65% of her liver to save her father's life despite knowing that her life was at risk.

Then all arrangements for a complex surgery began. Rakhir's father was admitted to the Asian Institute of Gastroenterology Hospital in Hyderabad. Two liver transplant specialists from Kolkata attended and performed this complex surgery successfully. Rakhi's father recovered. Pictures of father and daughter with deep abdominal surgery marks are currently viral on social media. How can one not admire the great courage and love of the 19-year-old girl? Daughter Rakhi Dutta is showered with praise. Who does so much by endangering his life? So everyone is also blessing Rakhi Dutta.

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