the knowledge

Meditation calms the mind

The Dhaka Times Desk Although we don't know much about meditation, it is necessary in real life. It is very important to increase concentration. Meditation calms the mind. Today's topic is meditation.

Our mind is able to occupy itself with thinking about many things in a very short time. As a result of such immense thoughts in our mind, our brain gets tired in a short time and as a result, various complications can arise along with our physical problems. As a result of meditation, we can focus our mind on any task. Meditation is one of our ways to train our mind in all ways to think like ourselves. Through this training our mind will bring peace in our life in no time. Through regular meditation or meditation, various positive perspectives will be created in our life journey which will make our life easier and happier.

If meditation or meditation is done regularly, our thinking power increases very quickly. Many of us find it difficult to learn or remember something when we are concentrating on learning or remembering it. And there are many who cannot remember. Regular meditation relieves us from all those problems. Apart from this, meditation improves our immune system and also protects us from many diseases.

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Apart from peace of mind, various types of meditation are done. Things may happen in our life that we cannot easily forget. Past words, hardships, mistakes, deceptions etc. affect our present. As a result, we are at risk in our present time. In such a situation we do mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation prepares our mind to let go of the past and focus on the present. Mindfulness meditation helps us focus on the present.

Meditation is a practice of patience which is a little difficult for everyone at first. At first it may be difficult to do this meditation for a long time but gradually it will become a daily habit for all of us. Meditation takes time for each of us to master and most of all consistency. Many of us get frustrated at times and think that maybe we are not doing well. In fact, if we are consistent, we can master meditation very quickly.

Our correct time for meditation is in the morning, but you can meditate at any time of the day. In the morning our surroundings are quiet. The morning air is pure which is a perfect environment for our meditation. Many of us focus on meditation with great stress, which can be very difficult for you if you are not good at meditation. So we have to keep our mind calm in the first place.

Breathing meditation is very effective for those of us who are considering meditation for the first time. Focus on your breathing in a calm environment. We have to notice where our breath is coming from and where it is going. We must be careful not to divert our attention elsewhere. If attention goes elsewhere, slowly bring it back to the breath.

Also we can start meditation recording and follow it properly. There are a lot of meditation videos, music, audios on the internet that will help us meditate. Also there are many guided meditation recordings available on the internet which we can follow to complete our meditation. Apart from this, recently various institutions are providing meditation training where there are expert officers from whom the correct technique and knowledge of meditation can be obtained.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২৪, ২০১৯ 7:22 pm

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