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A great disaster occurred while taking pictures of leopards thinking they were dead!

Now you don't have to carry your camera around to take pictures. Very good pictures can be taken on mobile

The Dhaka Times Desk Taking pictures has become very easy. Because you don't have to carry a camera anymore to take pictures. Very good pictures can be taken on mobile. However, while taking this picture, sometimes there is a problem. Even today it is a story.

মৃত ভেবে চিতাবাঘের ছবি তুলতে গিয়ে ঘটলো মহা বিপত্তি! 1

Earlier, taking pictures was a very difficult task. But taking pictures has become very easy now. Because you don't have to carry a camera anymore to take pictures. Very good pictures can be taken on mobile. However, while taking this picture, sometimes there are problems. Even today there is such a story that will be presented to you. Let's find out the crazy story.

The tiger was lying in such a way that he thought the tiger was dead. So a person went to the side to take a picture. But Vidhi Bam - after that the problem happened. Recently, when a local man of Falakata area of Alipurduar district of India went to take pictures, the injured leopard suddenly jumped on him.

A local source said that the victim thought the tiger was dead when he saw it lying seriously injured. He couldn't resist the urge to take pictures of the leopard from the front. And that's when a disaster happens.

It is known that the leopard hit a car in Dalgaon tea estate around 10 am on the day of the incident. After that he fell in the middle of the road with serious injuries. It is known that the tiger was coming out of the nearby Dalgaon forest and was crossing the Asian highway.

Then the local people gathered to see the tiger. At this time many people started taking pictures thinking they were dead. And wherever they go, the wounded tiger gets angry and jumps on them.

In this regard, Beat Officer Pritam Roy said, “Jaldapara National Park authorities rescued the leopard and its treatment has also started. Once the tiger recovers, the authorities will release it back into the wild."

Note that the leopard's right leg and head were seriously injured. But the injury of the man who came to take the picture is no less serious. But that person survived.

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