Categories: international news

'Muslim countries are selfish': Imran Khan

The Dhaka Times Desk Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has lashed out at Muslim countries over the Kashmir issue. He said, 'Muslim countries are selfish'.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has lashed out at Muslim countries over the Kashmir issue. He said, 'Muslim countries are selfish'.

The Middle Eastern country of the United Arab Emirates has recently given a special honor to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Pakistan got angry because of this. Regarding Kashmir, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said that Muslims are being persecuted in India. But in such a situation, the UAE handed over the award to Modi. Islamabad cannot accept this at all.

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In this regard, the information and broadcast-related special adviser of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Firdous Ashiq Awan said that Pakistan has been trying to highlight the Kashmir issue in the international arena. But it is sad that the Muslim countries are completely avoiding this issue due to their selfishness.

The Pakistani Prime Minister also mentioned that the whole world is not paying any attention to the issue of atrocities on Kashmiris. The Prime Minister of Pakistan has called upon the United Nations and other human rights organizations to come forward with regard to the situation in Kashmir.

The United Arab Emirates conferred the highest civilian honor 'Order of Zayed' on Narendra Modi. Modi was given this special honor last Saturday for playing a major role in bilateral relations.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is currently on a foreign tour. He was awarded a special honor during this visit. The award was announced by the UAE ahead of his visit. Meanwhile, President of Pakistan Senate Sadiq Sanjarani has canceled his visit to UAE due to such a situation.

A Pakistani delegation including Sadiq Sanjarani was scheduled to visit for three days from Sunday to Wednesday at the invitation of the UAE government. They were supposed to go there and have a meeting with several government officials. However, the visit to the Emirates is believed to have been canceled due to India's support for Kashmir.

It should be noted that an unusual situation is prevailing there after India revoked the sovereignty of Kashmir and revoked the previous law. Muslims there are not able to do normal work. They cannot go out of the house. Because curfew or section 144 has been imposed there to control the situation, life has come to a standstill. However, non-Muslim countries have also protested about this issue. However, it has not yet been possible to get India to agree to take any steps to take effective measures.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২৭, ২০১৯ 9:37 am

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