The Dhaka Times
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See what happened while taking a selfie with the goat! [video]

Taking selfies has become a fashion

The Dhaka Times Desk The current age is the era of selfies. Taking selfies while eating, walking or going to any event has become a fashion. See what happened while taking a selfie with the goat!

ছাগলের সঙ্গে সেলফি তুলতে গিয়ে কি বিপত্তি ঘটলো দেখুন! [ভিডিও] 1

The current age is the era of selfies. Taking selfies while eating, walking or going to any event has become a fashion. See what happened while taking a selfie with the goat! One such video has gone viral on social media. Now this incident is adorning people's mobile phones.

Many changes have come in the modern age. One of the changes is taking selfies. Taking this selfie has become a fashion among the youth. Posting selfies on social media is considered as a daily task for many people. Many people adopt various techniques to bring innovation in selfies. But so say selfie with the goat! A woman got into trouble while taking a selfie with a goat. By watching the video of the incident, you will also understand what actually happened while taking a selfie with the goat. Really surprised to see all the strange cases! As if there is no end to the wonder.

As soon as the woman turned on the camera, the goat came forward as if to pose for a selfie. Then the woman started posing with a smile, but the goat got in the way. When he came to take a picture, he hit the woman with a straight horn first, but did not touch the woman, but the second time he came and hit the woman's head. The woman fell due to the strong push of the goat. After uploading such a video, it becomes viral in no time.

It is to be noted that earlier also a woman had a problem while taking a selfie with a peacock. The peacock also pushed a woman for not allowing her to take a selfie, then the woman fell down. Again, many people lost their lives while taking selfies with the train. Many people in the world are in danger because of this strange selfie mania. But then this selfie mania does not stop. It is not certain whether it will ever stop.

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