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The teacher committed an act to prevent counterfeiting!

It is the teacher's responsibility to prevent plagiarism

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that it is the teacher's responsibility to prevent plagiarism. But that's why a teacher can prevent counterfeiting!

নকল প্রতিরোধ করতে গিয়ে একি কাণ্ড ঘটালেন শিক্ষক! 1

We all know that it is the teacher's responsibility to prevent plagiarism. But that's why a teacher can prevent counterfeiting!

Indeed, to prevent cheating, the students were tested in a novel way. The teacher has been praised as well as criticized. This crime was committed by a Mexican teacher. At the College of Bachelors in the province of Laxcala, Mexico, the teacher covered the head of the examinees with a cardboard box to prevent copying and writing by looking at the answer sheets of classmates sitting next to them.

The name of the teacher who committed such an incident is Luis Juarez Texis. There has also been a storm of criticism against him due to such treatment of secondary level students. Allegations of 'humiliating behavior' and violation of human rights with students have also been raised against him in this incident. The parents shared pictures of the incident on social media and appealed to the country's education department for his dismissal.

When local media asked Luis Juarez Texis about this, he was said to have defended his actions. Pictures of students covering their heads with boxes in the examination hall have gone viral online. In the viral picture, it can be seen that the examinees have their heads covered with cardboard boxes in the examination hall. Two holes are placed along the eyes for viewing.

Not only the social media, but also the country's mainstream media have covered this issue seriously. However, even though the parents were angry, most of the people on social media also praised the teacher. According to them, there is nothing wrong with his move to ban Asdupay in the exam hall, a 'sufficiently effective' move. It cannot be that the students will commit immoral acts and the teachers, being the conscience of the nation, will look at it indifferently like fools. So they think that what this teacher did was right. Students should understand that they are here to learn - not to imitate.

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