Categories: Picturesque

The story of a restaurant that will eat even if there is no money!

The Dhaka Times Desk Is it possible to think like this in today's era? During the royal rule, there was free food for passengers. But this time there is news of a restaurant that gives food even if there is no money!

Free food was provided for passengers during the royal rule. Their food was provided from the state treasury. At that time, any traveler who was hungry could eat his fill in the inn. Over time those traditions have changed. Over time, people have also become wealthy. Therefore, hotels and restaurants have been built in cities. So free food is unthinkable in this era.

Although that practice of the past has changed, many people still lie hungry on the streets of modern cities. But they do not dare to eat. Because then they don't have money in their pockets. A restaurant called 'Flowers and Hummus' in Dubai has taken initiative for those hungry people. Where even if there is no money in the pocket, there is no need to get any kind of speed to satisfy the hunger. They give free food to any passerby.

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It is known that the 'Flowers and Hummus' restaurant in Dubai, the commercial city of the United Arab Emirates, serves free food to the hungry. The sign of this restaurant in Barsha, Dubai reads in Arabic and English, 'If you can't buy, then it's free for you. Our food is a gift to you from Allah.'

Dubai-based media Khaleej Times said in a report that the owner of the hotel, 39-year-old Fadi Ayyad, is a Jordanian citizen. He launched the first free food restaurant in 2011. Then he started 3 more branches so far.

This hotel provides this service to 30/35 people every day. The hotel is open every day of the week from morning to night. Anyone can enter the menu and order the food of their choice. Everything including tea, coffee and water is available here for free.

Citizens of different countries come to eat in this restaurant. Even here many people come to eat regularly. An Australian woman comes here every day for free due to financial crisis. Moreover, hungry people come here mainly after seeing the signboard of the restaurant. All kinds of food are free for them.

Fadi Ayyad, the owner of the restaurant, told the media, 'His business is doing better because of the free service. Since I have some moral responsibility. The reason is that food is a basic human right. We want the financially poor not to suffer from hunger.'

Fadi Ayyad also said, 'I feel a thrill when I see hungry people smiling after eating. Which can never be bought with money. Those who eat here come back to us. We further encourage them to spread the motivation of such good deeds among all.'

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৮, ২০১৯ 12:40 pm

Staff reporter

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