Categories: Picturesque

Because of selfies, lice are spreading fast!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many words have been heard about selfies. But this time a new news has come out one step further. And that's because of selfie or lice spreading fast! What is it really?

Many words have been heard about selfies. But this time a new news has come out one step further. And that's because of selfie or lice spreading fast! What is it really?

According to a report in the media, lice are spreading very quickly from one person to another because of selfies! This information has emerged in a research report. However, the report claims that girls have more head lice than boys.

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An organization working to prevent the spread of the parasite called 'LusefreeNorz' has identified this as the cause of the rapid increase in head lice.

Ann Louise Lykoffs, a researcher at the organization, told the media that lice spread from one person's head to another. But usually when people hug each other, take selfies, use computers at the same time, or use mobile phones at the same time, lice jump from one person to another.

He also said that nowadays people are very much addicted to taking selfies. By doing this, two or a few people take pictures together. It is especially common in women. That's why lice on one person's head spreads to another person's body. He also said that when boys and girls sit together and play games, lice jump from one person's head to the other's head.

Ann Louise Lykoffs, a researcher at the organization, also said that girls usually have more head lice than boys. He said, girls have longer hair than boys. That's why lice can hide very easily. And so they can spread to the heads of those who are around. That's why researchers have commented that to be safe from this lice, you have to be careful while taking selfies.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৯, ২০১৯ 2:11 pm

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