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A village that everyone in the village is blind!

The most surprising thing is that not only the people of the village are blind, but the animals of that village are also blind!

The Dhaka Times Desk Truly news that will no doubt surprise anyone. Because a village has been found that everyone in the village is blind! That is, not only the people but also the animals and birds of the village are blind!

এমন এক গ্রাম যে গ্রামের সবাই দৃষ্টিহীন! 1

We have heard many strange village names and stories from time to time. But because of that, it was heard about a village that everyone in the village is blind, i.e. visually impaired. But the most surprising thing is that not only the people of the village are blind, but the animals of that village are also blind! At one end of this world there is a village where all the people of the village are blind! The name of this village is Tiltepec. Tiltepec village is a small village in the dense forest of Mexico. About 300 Zapotec people live in that village. Although it may sound surprising, it is a fact that every person in the village is blind, as well as the pets of the blind village!

According to media reports, there is a tree called Labzuela in this village. Villagers consider this tree cursed. They believe that the Labzuela tree took away their sight. The migrants of the village also claimed that. Babies born in this village are initially healthy like 5 other newborns. But within a week, the children lose their sight.

The local administration and scientists started investigating why the people of that village were losing their eyesight. The researchers also investigated the story of the Labzuela tree that spread throughout the village. However, it can be seen that their blindness has nothing to do with that tree!

The scientists found out that there is a type of poisonous fly called 'black fly' in this dense forest. Which is seen in abundance in this Tiltepec village. The germs of these poisonous flea bites spread throughout the body. That is why children to old people and even animals are slowly losing their sight in this village.

When the Mexican government found out about the village, it tried to evacuate the residents. But that effort also failed. Because the people of the village are still reluctant to leave the land and go somewhere else. The government finally left the villagers to do what else. So they ended up blind in this village of Tiltepec! Source: Anandabazar.

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