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Bangladesh ranks 3rd in South Asia in terms of military strength

Global Fire Power (GFP) Report

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh ranks third in South Asia in terms of military strength. Bangladesh has left 11 countries behind in terms of military strength in just one year.

সামরিক শক্তিতে দক্ষিণ এশিয়ায় ৩য় বাংলাদেশ 1

In terms of military power in 2019, Bangladesh is currently ranked 45th, behind 11 countries in the world. In 2018, Bangladesh was ranked 56th in the ranking. A survey organization called Global Fire Power has said that Bangladesh is in this position among 137 countries in the world. In this ranking, the largest military power in the world is the United States, Russia is second and China is third.

Global Fire Power (GFP) said in a report that no country's nuclear power was taken into account in this energy survey. However, recognized and suspected nuclear powers are given special consideration. In addition to military capabilities, geographical location, natural resources, and demographic factors have been given prominence in this survey. The report also took into account the diversity of countries' military equipment.

According to media reports, this military strength index is scored based on 55 criteria. Bangladesh is ranked 45th with a strength index of 0.7156. The United States is in the first position with an index of 0.0615. Russia is second with an index of 0.0639. On the other hand, China is in third place with their strength of 0.0673. India is at the fourth position with an index of 0.1065. Bangladesh ranks third in terms of military power in South Asia. Pakistan is second in this region and their power factor is 0.2798. Whose position is 15th in the overall ranking.

On the other hand, the gap between the military strength of Bangladesh and the neighboring country Myanmar has decreased quite a bit. In one year, Myanmar has fallen two places behind this power and is currently ranked 37th.

According to the information provided in the report, 30,60,573 people reach the age of eligibility to join the military every year in Bangladesh. The total number of military personnel in the country is 1,60,000.

It is also said that Bangladesh Air Force has 175 aircraft as of this year. Two aircrafts have been added in the last one year. From this point of view, the global rank stands at 53 out of 137 countries. Bangladesh also has 45 fighter aircraft, 45 attack aircraft, 57 transponders. There are a total of 59 helicopters. But there is not a single attack helicopter.

On the other hand, the army has 340 combat tanks. 521 armored vehicles, 18 self-propelled artillery, 340 towed artillery, 36 rocket projectors. In terms of Toad Artillery, the ranking of Bangladesh is 32nd among 137 countries.

Naval strength shows that Bangladesh has a total of 89 naval equipments. Among which there are 6 frigates, 6 corvettes and 2 submarines. Bangladesh has no aircraft carrier. There are 26 patrol vessels and 4 mine warfare vessels. Source:

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